North Carolina Dance Institute
2019 Dance Camps
addition to summer
classes in ballet, jazz, tap, modern, and hip-hop,
North Carolina Dance Institute offers a variety of
summer performance workshops, intensives, and dance
camps for children and teens of all levels.
Registration Began April 7.
costs are shown for each camp and the annual NCDI
$25 registration fee may apply. Family and multi-camp
discounts are available. Refunds can be issued up
to 2 weeks prior to the start of any camp, intensive,
or summer session classes. Register
online to enroll, and please mail the payment upon registration.
Our summer camps fill quickly – register early
to secure your spot!
Summer Showcase 
Dance and Perform This Summer!
The highlight of our summer session begins with the NCDI Summer Showcase. This two-week dance intensive features high-energy contemporary choreography by NCDI faculty and guest artists. Dancers are selected by audition to collaborate in the process of creating original dance works for the 2019 Summer Showcase, "PS I ❤ U2".
Choreography will be set to the music of Paul Simon and U2. The Summer Showcase gives young dancers insight into what it takes to quickly develop complex choreography and all the aspects of theatrical development for the stage.
Selected intermediate/advanced dancers will work closely with Summer Showcase c0-directors, Kirstie Spadie and Sarah Putterman, and the process culminates in a performance on stage at Wakefield Auditorium.
The Summer Showcase is a great performance opportunity for NCDI dancers, and is open to other dancers in our community. Acceptance is subject to approval by audition. Non-NCDI students are required to audition or take a placement class during the spring semester. Auditions are held at NCDI Jan 26 and April 6, 2:00pm-3:00pm. Contact Sarah at sarah@ncdanceinstitute.com for more information.
Summer Showcase Intensive
Time: June 17-28 (Mon-Fri) and June 29 (Sat)
Dancers 9-12 yrs rehearse 9:00am-12:30pm Mon-Fri
Dancers 13-18 yrs rehearse 12:30pm-4:00pm Mon-Fri
Performance: Saturday June 29 6:00pm
Wakefield High School Auditorium
Ages: 9-12 yrs and 13-18 yrs (see Time above)
Level: Intermediate/Advanced (by audition only)
Instructors: Sarah Putterman, Kirstie Spadie, and guests
Cost: $450
Ballet & Contemporary Choreo-Lab 
The Ballet & Contemporary Choreo-Lab is an in-depth week of ballet technique and contemporary dance in an exciting, full-day combination intensive for intermediate to advanced dancers.
The morning begins with core ballet fundamentals that aim to provide each dancer a solid technical foundation upon which to push themselves to their fullest potential.
After lunch, our highly popular contemporary choreo-lab leads dancers to explore elements of creating their own choreographic styles while learning improvisational techniques, partnering, composition, and cutting edge choreography.
The week culminates in an in-studio presentation on Friday, July 19, at 2:30pm. This presentation will include four new works, along with solos, duets, and trios created by the students.
Classical ballet attire is required (black leotard/pink tights), with hair worn in a bun. Contemporary attire includes black tights or leggings, a black tank top, and black socks. Knee pads requested. Dancers should bring healthy snacks and a packed lunch for the 30-minute lunch break at NCDI.
Ballet & Contemporary Choreo-Lab
Time: July 15-19 (Mon-Fri) 9:00am-3:00pm
Ages: 12-18 yrs
Level: Intermediate/Advanced (2-3 yrs ballet experience required)
This is designed for students presently in Ballet 2A levels or higher. For students in Ballet 1B or lower, we recommend Ballet Basics Boot Camp instead.
Non-NCDI students are required to take a placement class during spring semester.
Contact Kirstie via e-mail at kirstie@ncdanceinstitute.com.
Instructors: Carolyn, Victoria, Kim Fox, ballet faculty, guest choreographers
Cost: $300
Contemporary Basics Boot Camp 
Explore contemporary dance
The Contemporary Basics Boot Camp is focused on the beginner to intermediate dancer for body awareness, enhancing technique, and exploring cutting-edge contemporary styles. NCDI contemporary instructors focus on exposing young dancers to the many facets of contemporary dance styles, including weight sharing partnering, inversions, and contemporary dance concepts including improvisation techniques.
This in-depth intensive can be paired with the morning Ballet Basics Boot Camp to give dancers a full-day camp with lunch at NCDI.
Contemporary Basics Boot Camp
Time: July 8-12 (Mon-Fri) 1:00pm-3:00pm
Ages: 10-15 yrs
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Instructor: Ms. Victoria, Ms. Jenna, and guests
Cost: $160

Ballet intensives are for the beginner to the serious-minded ballet student and strive to develop the complete dancer. NCDI encourages all students who wish to be in higher placement classes for the fall semester to participate in a ballet intensive. |
Ballet Basics Boot Camp 
The Ballet Basics Boot Camp is a fast-paced introduction of ballet fundamentals and conditioning for the body. A fun format led by Ms. Carolyn will give students boot camp exercises to practice throughout the summer. This camp is designed for the student who has an interest in ballet and wants to further their knowledge in an accelerated week of ballet fundamentals. Classical ballet attire is required (black leotard/pink
tights). Bring a healthy snack.
Students often take the Ballet Basics Boot Camp followed by Contemporary Basics Boot Camp to have a full-day camp opportunity with lunch at NCDI.
Ballet Basics Boot Camp
Time: July 8-12 (Mon-Fri) 10:00am-12:00pm
Ages: 10-15 yrs
Level: Beginner
(Minimal or no ballet experience required, subject to approval)
Instructor: Ms. Carolyn
Cost: $160
Pre-Pointe Primer 
Students recommended for Pre-Pointe classes for Fall 2019 should participate in the Pre-Pointe Primer. Pointe shoes should be purchased, fitted, and sewn prior to the primer. Please e-mail Kirstie
for placement questions.
Pre-Pointe Primer
Time: July 30 - Aug 1 (Tue-Thu) 5:30pm-7:00pm
Ages: 12-17 yrs
Level: Intermediate
Instructor: Ms. Carolyn
Cost: $85
Triple Threat Broadway Workshop 
Broadway bound? You need training in singing, acting, and dancing! This action-packed workshop has it all, covering the "Triple Threat" techniques needed for success in Musical Theatre. Students learn choreography from Broadway musicals, including "Hamilton", "Fosse", "Bring It On", and "Hairspray".
The Triple Threat Broadway Workshop includes learning two monologues, an audition song, and upbeat choreography. It features informational seminars on getting a talent agent, headshots, resumes, and creating a book of songs for auditions. Learn what it takes to make it in show business! This is one of our most popular workshops and sells out every summer. Sign up today!
Triple Threat Broadway Workshop
Time: July 15-18 (Mon-Thu) 9:00am-12:00pm
Informal in-studio showing on Thursday, July 18, 11:45am
Ages: 9-15 yrs
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Instructors: Victoria, Nicole, and professional vocal coach
Cost: $180
Kids Hip-Hop 
NCDI Instructors Ronnie and Victoria lead the coolest camp for your kid this summer! Learn the hot moves on the hip-hop dance scene. Ronnie is one of the hottest choreographers in the triangle and brings his unique style of movement exploration to current music. Victoria is the QUEEN of funk, and students love her fast-paced moves!
NCDI Hip-Hop camps sell out fast!
Yo, don't delay - sign up today!
Kids Hip-Hop Camp
Time: July 22-26 (Mon-Fri) 10:00am-12:00pm
Ages: 8-13 yrs
Level: Beginner
Instructor: Ronnie and Victoria
Cost: $160
'Mary Poppins' Dance Camp 
Can you imagine that?
North Carolina Dance Institute offers an imaginative and creative arts camp that explores the adventures of Mary Poppins, Disney's famous nanny. Fantastical things happen in her care! Each fun-filled day will feature dancing to the songs from Mary Poppins Returns, "Can You Imagine That?", "Trip the Light Fantastic", and "Nowhere to go but up".

The children create story books, art work, and finish the week with a special mini-performance for our parents and grandparents at 11:00am.
The day wraps up with lunch bunch (please provide a packed lunch for your dancer). Pink leotards, skirts, tights, and leather ballet slippers are required. This is an inspiring summer camp experience for the budding young artist who loves to dance! Don’t wait - Our children's camps sell out!
Mary Poppins Dance Camp
Time: July 22-26 (Mon-Fri) 9:00am-11:30am
(Early drop-off at 8:30am is available)
Ages: 3-6 yrs (*Must be 3 by May 1)
Level: Beginner
Instructor: Ms. Kim Yarborough and Ms. Victoria
Cost: $170