
» 2006-2007
     Class Schedule

» Summer 2006
     Dance Camps

» Summer 2006
     Class Schedule

» Registration

North Carolina Dance Institute
2006 Summer Showcase

2004 Summer Dance Explosion bows

Information and Rehearsal Schedule

June 12th - June 16th Rehearsal Schedule
Dancers Ages 9-12yrs Monday-Friday 9:00am-12:00pm
Dancers Ages 13-17yrs Monday-Friday 11:30am-3:00pm

Dancers should bring healthy snacks/water bottle to rehearsals.
Dress in jazz dance attire/good jazz shoes.
All Dancers will need soft black jazz shoes for the show.

June 19th - June 21st Rehearsal Schedule
Dancers Ages 9-12yrs Monday-Friday 9:00am-12:00pm
Dancers Ages 13-17yrs Monday-Friday 11:30am-3:00pm

Dancers should bring healthy snacks/water bottle to rehearsals.
Dress in jazz dance attire/good jazz shoes.
All Dancers will need soft black jazz shoes for the show.

Thursday, June 22nd ALL Dancers 9:00am-3:00pm
Friday, June 23rd ALL Dancers Dress Rehearsal 9:00am-4:00pm

June 22nd & June 23rd NCDI Rehearsals Dancers should bring a bag lunch.
There will be a 30 minute lunch break and dancers should not leave NCDI for lunch.

Extra Rehearsals: Schedules will be posted at NCDI for solos/duets/sm. group pieces.
Please check the board regularly. We will not be able to email/call dancers.
If a dancer becomes injured or sick, they should attend rehearsal and observe.
We will make a decision if the dancer should continue to participate

Parking at NCDI is limited. Please drop-off/pick up your dancer from the side steps.
Tickets will be available starting Wednesday, June 21st 12:00pm-1:00pm.
Each dancer will receive 2 free tickets. Please order tickets on Mon, June 19th
Please let us know how many tickets you plan to use. Sign up sheet will be at the desk.

Saturday June 24th Rehearsal Schedule
Arrive Wakefield High School at 12:15pm

Drop off dancers in the rear of school, near the baseball fields.
Rehearsal/spacing/run through from 12:30pm-5:30pm
We would prefer not to have anyone in the audience during the rehearsals at Wakefield.
Siblings or friends should not enter the backstage area for any reason.

On show day, NCDI parents typically provide snacks for the dancers.
Dancers should bring their own drinks or have money for the drink machines.
Saturday, June 24th NCDI provides dinner for dancers from 5:30pm-6:30pm

Performance Saturday, June 24 at Wakefield HS at 7:00pm

Chaperones will be backstage to help dancers. Parents should return for the performance by 6:00pm and one parent is welcome to help their dancer backstage before the show.
Auditorium opens at 6:15pm. Respectfully, please do not hold seats for friends or family.
NCDI shows typically sell-out. Pre-arrange tickets and arrive early to get a good seat!

After the show, please meet your dancer in the LOBBY at Wakefield.
Please do not come backstage to pick up your dancer.
We will be collecting costumes and doing a fast clean up.
We must be out of Wakefield by 9:15pm or we will be penalized overtime.
We DO need volunteers to help collecting costumes and loading them.
We need volunteers for Ushering/Ticket Collection/Dinner Set Up
There will be a sign-up at NCDI for volunteers.

Thank You for Your Help!
Another Great Show Coming Your Way!